CrossFit Praus –

Jerry Swinger (Time)

30 Wall Balls (20/14)

30 Kettle Bell Swings (2/1.5 pood)

60 Box Jumps (24/20)

30 Kettle Bell Swings (2/1.5 pood)

30 Wall Balls (20/14)

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds:

10 Wall Slides

10 Sampson Lunges

50 Ft. High knees

40 Ft. Butt Kickers

10 light kettle bell swings

10 Glute Bridges

Shoulder Press

1 x 5 @ 75%

1 x 3 @ 85%

1 x 1+ @ 95%

** Rember this is all based off of 90% of your 1RM

Cash Out

200 double unders or 5 minutes of double under work