Monday’s WOD


3 Sets:

10 Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunges, light weight, slow eccentric, left arm
10 Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunges, light weight, slow eccentric, right arm
50′ High Knees
50′ Buttkickers


Back Squat 2RM


5 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
15 Wall Ball, 20#/14#
2 Legless Rope Climbs, 15′ Ascent

TIMECAP: 25:00

Extra Work: Deadlift 3×1 @ 85% of 2RM

Thanksgiving Week Schedule

Wednesday will have regularly scheduled classes. Thursday will be members only 9:30 class. Friday Closed with an Open Gym from 3-5pm. Saturday is a normal guest Saturday at 9:30.

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