Thursday’s WOD


3 Sets:
12 One Arm Kettlebell Swings, left
12 One Arm Kettlebell Swings, right
8 Kettlebell Push Press, left
8 Kettlebell Push Press, right
20 Goblet Walking Lunges


Power Jerk 3-3-3-3-3


For Time:
50 Wall Ball, 20#/14# to 10′
50 Deadlifts, 185#/135#
50 Handstand Pushups

TIMECAP: 10:00

Extra Work: Row 50 minutes @ 22-26 strokes/minute + 1000m Surges

@ 10:00, 20:00, 30:00, and 40:00 row 1000m @ 34-36 strokes/minute

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