Thursday’s WOD

Buy In:
Weighted Push-ups 5×3

55 Goblet Squats (53/35)
45 KB over Burpees
35 Weighted Mason Twists (53/35)
25 Overhead Lunge (53/35)
15 SDHP (53/35)
5 KB Snatches (L+R=1) (53/35)

Cash Out:
4 position plank holds (1 min each)

Because so many of you are asking for more work to do outside of class to prep for the Open, we are going to offer open gym starting each day at 3:30 (this has been unofficial for some time now, but we wanted to make sure all know they are welcome!) and, will be “opening” the Oly area for accessory or strength work until 5:30 each day. We hope this will not be an interruption for the regular classes, as such they will also have first dibs on equipment/weight etc., but we want to make sure everyone has plenty of time to get their desired work in. Also, in fine Praus House fashion we hope this doesn’t diminish prioritizing or attending regular classes (but should be used as a time to get additional work in), cause as we all know that’s where our community was built from day 1! That said, do work Praus House!!

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